понедельник, 16 января 2012 г.

ASTROLOGICAL FORECAST 2012 calm before the storm

December 16, 2011 at 6:51 PM  

You're not plain - here the climate is different.
      Avalanches    are    one   by  one,                  
   And here   in   the  rockfall  rockfall  roars      
   And  you  can  turn,  go  around  the  cliff,      
   But  "we"  choose  the  difficult  path              
 Dangerous,   as   the   military   path.            

Vertex. Vladimir Vysotsky 1966

 From the point of view of astrological cycles 2012, becomes year of more global geopolitical, financial and social changes for all world community...

The new year will bring further deterioration of international relations, which will develop more rapidly in the period of three years on the rise (the revolutionary aspect of the opposing influence of the planets Uranus - Pluto, contributing to widespread unrest, conflicts and nuclear emergencies in nuclear facilities).

This aspect is most clearly manifested in the June 24 and September 19, 2012, then in the period from 2013 to 2017, marking thus the period of global instability and deep transformational changes, causing a higher degree of military-political confrontation between the leading countries of the world: U.S., China, Russia and Iran.

Thus, this aspect will form a more powerful destabilizing processes not only in the global economy, but also in the geopolitical balance of power. In connection with what the event will be irreversible and will develop a domino effect, affecting not only the EU on economic processes, but also to the dramatic changes of the political status of individual countries and entire regions.

The main degree of political tension will form the aggressive imperialism of the U.S. and its satellites on the block NATO (Britain, France, Turkey, including other members of the alliance).

Can not exclude the further destabilization of the African continent, the Middle East, Central, East and Central Asia, including the Caucasus. The same can not be ruled out that the Israeli state can be held hostage,
"bargaining chip" in the construction of the Arab Caliphate, as the driving tool in U.S. geopolitical influence in the international arena (the mass of the revolution and protest the war in North Africa with the direct collaboration of Al Qaeda and NATO is a good example - the policy of double standards from the U.S.).

Effect of transit of the planet Pluto in conjunction with
"Radiant Delta" (the point - the highest growth) will continue to strict international disruption and financial institutions, but primarily the U.S., then Europe ...

In connection with what the U.S. government and NATO will be ready to go to the most radical measures (Libya, Syria, Iran, Russia, China) to maintain political dictatorship, including the use of a new military doctrine of
"Global Impact" (sudden, high-precision mass attack, not giving the possibility of retaliation).

More acute phase of international relations will be marked near the 24 January (the beginning of the retrograde motion of Mars), then in mid-March (from 13 to 23 March the threat of large-scale military operations, nuclear threat emergencies at nuclear power plants, financial destabilization tragedy in the water - Mars at Opposition to the sign of Pisces, 8 months).

During 2012, two peaks will be formed in a solar eclipse (May 20 and November 13 GMT) and two of the Moon (June 4 and November 28) is an unfavorable aspect for the U.S. government, including their allies.

It must be remembered that the effects of eclipses repeatedly increase the level of man-made and natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, floods), including the destabilization of international relations.

Any eclipses are most active during the 7 days before and after this date, including the new moon or full moon (the beginning of military aggression against Libya, the organization and conduct of riots and revolutions, non-ferrous).
In connection with what
MOE and emergency services should pay special attention in public places: airports, train stations, the area, including all underground utilities: Metro, transitions, and mines.

The first decade of January will mark the final confrontation between the giant planets the solar system: Jupiter (optimism, finance and national interests, and education) and Saturn (the real situation, conservatism, budget cuts).

This configuration will reveal more systemic "crisis of authority" that have a direct impact on all social processes, especially in the leading countries of the European community. May increase the tax and regulatory burden, "belt-tightening" that provoke a surge of popular unrest, supported by a double impact factor
Solar Revolutions (simultaneous formation of 11 and 80 year cycle).

Events will be affected, including education, where young people will be forced to defend their right to access to education (England, France ...), including legal compliance and the rule of law (political provocation, escalation of political instability, government corruption, Russia) . Manifestations of protest will intensify with each passing year and to identify common trends for democratic change, or to the systematic struggle for survival.

It is also necessary to note that the new year will be more difficult especially for Germany and Austria. On whose shoulders will fall the main burden, political and economic risks of the European Union ... (Retrograde Mars in Virgo, then in Libra, which will retain its influence over 9 months).

Between 9 and 15 January are not excluded major accidents and disasters. This factor will also be strengthened in anticipation of April 16, the potential for serious threats to natural and man-made accidents, shipwrecks, floods, epidemic diseases and mass poisonings, including radioactive waste.

On the night of June 11 will transit passage of the planet Jupiter in the sign of Gemini, which introduces a revolutionary new impetus to the system of education, using new information technologies (communication, communication, receipt and transmission of data) that will more effectively use the new breakthrough in including the media, trade or logistics.

This influence of Jupiter will enable a more significant impact on public and social consciousness, making certain structural, religious, or political changes within 13 months (information technology war, the opium of the people), the most intense period will be marked on the threshold of 24 - 30 June.

During July, near the middle of the month may gain political confrontation and military conflicts, including the use of nuclear components (particularly intense period of from 13 to 24 July), there may be major aviation and traffic accidents.

Mid-August, including the final phase: September and October, will make a significant stress not only in international affairs, but in the political life of Russia (in particular stress maps leaders of the country).

A special role is also assigned to the final stage in November, (Mars in Capricorn, the exaltation of November 17) can be a serious destabilization of the international situation, including the vulnerability of the international financial markets (collapse).

This contributes to high risk of transit traffic and accidents, nuclear danger, including nuclear power plants, particularly busy during the interval marked by 13, 23, 28 November.

It is very important!

For Russia, the final phase of the solar eclipse, a series of 14N - 14S May 20, form the most critical period (involvement of Russia in large-scale military action), the risk is highest during the period from 2012 to 2015, similar to historical parallels have been recorded in the period:

Russian-Japanese War of 1904 - Solar eclipse, a series of 14N - 14S
Russian-Polish war of 1920 - Solar eclipse, a series of 14N - 14S
Russian-Finnish War, 1939 - Solar eclipse, a series of 14N - 14S,
eve of World War II ...

The second not less important period for the Russian Federation related to the occurrence of the planet Saturn in Scorpio, October 6, 2012. This ingression operates every 29.5 years thus forming a radical change of the entire vertical of power, but the first top-tier (over 3 year period). Can not rule out a coup, because the situation is close to critical.

It was October 6, may be the major transformational change. Including personnel changes in the security agencies: the FSB, the Interior Ministry, Army. Including further structural changes in the political system or economic development.

Historical Background

The period of occurrence of the planet Saturn in Scorpio - a new leader:

November 7, 1894 - Tsar Alexander III
December 20, 1923 - Lenin
October 22, 1953 - Joseph Stalin
November 29, 1982 - Leonid Brezhnev, Yuri Andropov, Konstantin Chernenko
October 6, 2012 - ...

For Russia it is always a painful period of dramatic political changes associated with deep restructuring.
Russia, always at all times, all the hardships, obstacles and the maximum of the war only overcome together, in unison.

About our unity and our strength will always know our enemies, in connection with what they took some steps and open the secret of whose meaning is officially recorded on the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States, as well as the dollar bill, which literally sounds like: "Novus ordo seclorum "(Latin, reads like a" novus ordo seklorum ") - the correct translation etymological meaning" to rule the world through a secret division of "the first time these words were published as a motto in 1782.

Historical background - political and military division of the States: Egypt, Greece, Rome, Germany, USSR, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya.

What is Russia today? It is not the Soviet Union may no longer Russia because there is no unity, and the "new regime", since 1991, has done everything possible to destroy the unity of the country and its people. Consciously and purposefully divided the country into rich and poor. By creating social tolerance is not where the rich hate the poor and the poor hate the rich.

That's without any war, Russia has lost its identity and uniqueness of the natural, trusting himself without reserve handful of greedy and cowardly jackals. But here's the paradox of jackals do not like even in the West, because it is well understood, if you're dealing with thieves, he feared for his wallet. Although covert actions that undermine the foundations of the state were laid much earlier in the period 1983 (Andropov, Gorbachev, Yakovlev) - during the entry of Saturn in Scorpio, therefore, the main harvest is possible in the period from 2012 to 2015 ...

What at one time envisioned the ancient Greek philosopher and teacher of Alexander of Macedon - Aristotle: "The world will destroy the two extremes - wealth and poverty."

I'd add a conscious corruption and extensive violation of the rule of law.
"Greed robs Mind" - wrote in the IV. BCE. e Indian social activist and scholar Chanak.

In connection with what the main problem of society and the authorities try to prevent the collapse of the country, including riots (civil war). Need all the pressing issues to solve with common sense and political dialogue, except for some or violence. The main thing is that power has become a leader of positive political reforms, taking over the initiative from the major political provocateurs, while maintaining the integrity and balance of the Russian state. History of the USSR ... - This is a good example, as a great power, has become a raw materials appendage of the West, burying all the best achievements of our historical and evolutionary development.

That's not such an easy year (recurrence) awaits us. Will Russia be able to overcome the new changes, that's enough for us to common sense to keep the indivisibility of the country - time will tell ...

And we can only hope to heaven ... Mind and unity of the people, because: "Our strength in unity and unity in truth - and who is true - that and stronger" - it always is and will be the main basis of future prosperity and power of the Russian state, our country, state unifier - it our history and our inner essence ...

We  hope  only  on    the  strength   of  hands,  
On the other hand,  and  hammered  the  hook
And pray that the insurance did not disappoint .

We   chop   steps.   Not   one  step  back!
And my knees are shaking from the strain ...
And my heart is ready to run to the top of my chest.
The whole world is at hand - you're happy and it ...
And   just   a   little   jealous   of   the  fact
Others  -  who have  yet  to  top ...
You're   happy   and   it ...
And  just a little jealous of the fact
Another   -   which    top   more ...

                                      Vladimir Vysotsky


1 комментарий:

  1. During the period large aviation incidents иили accidents from January, 9 till January, 15th aren't excluded. Serious threats of natural and technogenic failures, ship-wrecks are possible

    "Titanic" XXI - Kruiznyj liner Costa Concordia vessel Wreck will manage to the ship-owner in 1,5 billion euro.
